Tuesday Practice, News, U15 Harball River League, 2023 (Alvinston Minor Ball)

This Team is part of the 2023 season, which is not set as the current season.
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May 21, 2023 | tlehrbass | 183 views
Tuesday Practice
Hi Everyone

The calendar in set.  Practices are in Inwood on Tuesdays at 8pm. Uniforms will be there for the boys to try on during the practice.  (hopefully we have a couple parents can organize that)


The following are some ground rules that, I'm sure everyone knows, but I like to set the expectations now, so there isn't confusion later.

If you cannot make it to a practice or game please let us know a day before.  It takes time to plan lineups and practices. The more notice coaches have, the better results our team will get.

Any behavior that is bad for the team will result in running, push ups, or sit ups for the whole team. 

Please be at games 25 minutes early to ensure a good warmup.  Any one who is late will sit the first inning.

Everyone is responsible for a clean dugout and ball field.

Negative attitudes and effort levels will stay on the bench or be asked to leave.

Steve, Jeremy and myself are all easy to talk to so if you have any issues, or  suggestions please tell us so we can help.

Lets have a great season!

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